Message Board


October 31st 2010

which is the one where stan has to eat ollie's hat?

Dalian (Southampton)

To Dalian
The movie your looking for is called "Way Out West". It's one of my favorite movies.


Dalian, It Way Out West. Stan even gets the salt out to flavour it too. And his napkin.....

David (Nottingham)


October 29th 2010

This reminds me of my marriage. LOL

Michelle (USA/Houston)


October 27th 2010

what is the one where stan and ollie get a blood transfusion and get each others characteristics?


Hello,Dalian,i consider myself an expert about Laurel and Hardy,so you can ask my everything you want.So,about your first question i'm not sure,but i know that in:'Our Relations' they have twin brothers..about your second question it's easy:'way out west',when they are resting in the wood.Stan really ate Ollie's hat and even enjoyed it but for Ollie,the taste of his hat was terrible.

Leor Leon (Israel)

Laurel & Hardy switch personalities after a blood transfusion in THICKER THAN WATER.



October 17th 2010

name of the film where they are fixing there fishing boat...

chris (leeds/uk)

chris in leeds the film is called towed in a hole.

mark parnaby (teesside)

Hello, new to this, but just want to say, I was shocked to learn that Claire Rayner who died last week, was actually the Great neice of Stan Laurel.

Hugh (United Kingdom)


October 16th 2010

What is the name of the film where they get into a tit for tat row with a house owner and they detroy his house and he destroys their car?

Stephen (Manchester)

To Stephen in Manchester
The name of the film where Stan and Ollie destroy the house while the owner retaliates on their car is Big Business. I had been looking for a copy for a while and managed to get it on video but its the silent version with a musical soundtrack.The original did exist complete with sound - I remember seeing it on T.V. but to get a copy has not been fruitful.

Tony Alexandra (London)


October 15th 2010

Hoping to put a large poster in my kids games room. the biggest ive come across is only 80x 60.lking for something in region of 5ftx5ft.want the picture to be something like the circled pic on left of website,though would consider others.can any one help. thanks

ireland (jason conroy)


October 13th 2010

movie where stan is transferring wine into bottles thru a tube and keeps putting the tube in his mouth to keep it from spilling so of course he gets drunk
really funny scene wish i knew title

carol smith (usa)

To Carol Smith (Usa) the name of the film your looking for is The Boheimian Girl.



October 12th 2010

They performed one of the best comedies of the world in my opinion. What a pity that nowadays that kind of comedy is not seen.


I am currently working on a project looking at the marketability and comercial aspects of Laurel and Hardy in order to prove on a commercial basis (agents, media etc) that they are overlooking the commerciality currently to be found in Laurel and Hardy. To that end, I am amassing the information of both offical, individual and unofficial fans worldwide in order to present to whomever needs it the numbers, and prove the current interest, marketability and commercial potential of Laurel and Hardy. I am in the process of organising and creating a website where you and others can put your comments of Laurel and Hardy. Hope to have this up and running in the next couple of months. If you wish to contact me with your comments, please do so on:

Laurel & Hardy Lady No 2


October 8th 2010

Does anyone know the name of the episode where Stan has to hang Ollie, and then asks him "Do you want to be buried or stuffed"? Then Ollie says "What do you mean stuffed"? And Stan answers "I thought that you would look good in my living room"!
It was really funny! I'm only 12 and like them, the Three Stooges, and the Marx Brothers.


the line about do you want to be buried or stuffed is from the devils brother

carol smith (usa)


October 4th 2010

whats the film where they are running up and down stairs in some flats and stan keeps saying ..theres gonna be a fight..

chris broadbent (uk/leeds)

The Film You Are Looking For Is Called Blockheads

Daniel March (United Kingdom)


October 1st 2010

Hi; Love em! t bits, have been a fan since i was 7 yrs old.
I'm now 70 yrs young. Still making my sides ache with laughter and joy. Now there is a film in which the boys are in there car and they drive into a sawmill, seem to drive on to a conveyor belt and get split in half by the sawblade. Could you tell me the name please.

DEREK (England/ Wirral)

derek the film your after is called busy bodies.

mark parnaby (teesside)

I live in Gateshead,(near Newcastle) Tyne and Wear.
Does anyone what the closest tent is to us? Thanks



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